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All students must arrive to school in full school uniform. Daily checks will be taking place.
Our school day commences at 09:00. Students may arrive from 08:30

Our school’s values

  • Perseverance
  • Respect
  • Initiative
  • Drive
  • Excellence

We understand that pupils join us at various stages of their education and their experience of school may be different to the positive experience that every pupil should have. At the Heights Burnley, we carefully plan and make space for the positive behaviours we expect to be explicitly taught and regularly refreshed to ensure all pupils understand them. We have simple but high expectations, standards and routines that ensure everybody knows what is expected of our school community.

The standards we expect… clear, simple and understood by everyone

  • We arrive at school on time, positive and ready to learn.
  • We arrive to lessons on time, positive and ready to learn and we try our best to succeed.
  • We wear the full correct uniform.
  • We remove our coats (and any other non-uniform items e.g., headphones) when we enter class.
  • Mobile phones are not allowed to be seen or heard during lessons – they must be switched off.
  • We respect difference and know we are all equal.
  • We do not tolerate bullying of any kind.
  • We walk sensibly around our school.
  • We know who to go to for help and support for ourselves and others.
  • We tidy up after ourselves e.g., move away our cutlery, plate, and cup and leave the canteen tidy.
  • We should always say ‘please’ when asking for something and ‘thank you’.

Our key habits and routines

  • Clear and simple habits and routines that we practise every day.
  • Regular assembly programme to reinforce expectations.
  • Weekly rewards assembly to identify the behaviours we expect.
  • Centralised exit from lessons to ensure a calm atmosphere.
  • Weekly PSHE lessons and the wider, carefully planned Personal Development curriculum ensuring that all pupils can develop their character and pursue their talents, hobbies and interests.
  • Clear behaviour expectations, shared and understood by everyone.
  • We use a consistent ‘language for learning’.

How we teach our expectations and routines

Through our planned curriculum and daily interactions with each other:

  • We IDENTIFY the behaviour we expect.
  • We explicitly TEACH the behaviour we expect.
  • We MODEL the behaviour we are expecting.
  • We PRACTISE the behaviour that we expect.
  • We NOTICE excellent behaviour.
  • We CREATE the right conditions for excellent behaviour.

Responding to individual needs

  • An ambitious curriculum that meets individual’s need through skilful adaptive teaching strategies.
  • Planned and ‘on the spot’ mentoring that forges positive relationships amongst pupils and staff.
  • Working with a range of external role models such as the Burnley Football Club mentoring scheme.
  • Free flow counselling.
  • PCSO visits and workshops.
  • Multi agency approach, where we work together as professionals with families and young people to make them successful.

“We are passionate about making a difference, removing challenges to learning, having a positive impact, delivering high quality teaching and learning, and achievement for all.”