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All students must arrive to school in full school uniform. Daily checks will be taking place.
Our school day commences at 09:00. Students may arrive from 08:30



No. Entries 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U
English Language 20 3 3 6 6 2
English Literature 4 2 1 1
Maths 20 2 4 2 9 4
Science 12 2 3 6 1
Science (combined) 2 1 1
History 1 1 1
Total 59 6 10 13


  • 100% of year 11 pupils will progress into education, employment, and training.
  • 100% of year 11 pupils gained at least 1 GCSE or L2 equivalent; 71% gained 2 or more, 52% 3 or more, 33% 4 or more and 5% gained 5 or more.
  • 100% of year 11 pupils gained a qualification from entry level to level 2
  • Termly communication panels take place which share academic and non-academic progress data with our mainstream partner schools.
  • Increased numbers of pupils completing GCSE and vocational qualifications for academic year 22/23.