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All students must arrive to school in full school uniform. Daily checks will be taking place.
Our school day commences at 09:00. Students may arrive from 08:30

Year 7 & 8 short stay respite provision

Our KS3 provision aims to provide a rich and varied curriculum for our pupils to engage with. Through our teaching, we hope to reengage pupils with a love of learning; providing high academic challenge and a safe and supporting environment where students are given the necessary skills in order to be successful in life and become responsible citizens. There are high expectations for both participation and outcomes.

Subject Maths English Science
Number of sessions 4 4 1


Subject Food Technology Construction Art Outdoor Education Core PE Nurture Personal Development
Number of sessions 1 1 1 4 1 2 2


Additional sessions throughout the week
Educational computer games

Social skills


Accelerated Reader

Class reader

Reading to an adult


We aim to:

National Curriculum Coverage at KS3
  • Develop ability to speak confidently and effectively and use discussion in order to learn
  • Develop the habit of reading and reading with fluency and understanding
  • Develop vocabulary range
  • Develop knowledge of and skills in writing, refining their drafting skills and developing resilience to write at length
  • Extend understanding of the number system and place value
  • Select and use appropriate calculation strategies to solve increasingly complex problems
  • Develop mathematical knowledge and use of formal mathematical knowledge to interpret and solve problems
  • Build confidence when working mathematically
  • Ask questions and develop a line of enquiry to make predictions
  • Select, plan and carry out the most appropriate types of scientific enquiries to test predictions
  • Make and record observations and measurements using a range of methods
  • Present reasoned explanations and conclusions


Food Technology
  • Cook a repertoire of predominantly savoury dishes so that they are able to feed themselves and others a healthy and varied diet
  • Become competent in a range of cooking techniques
  • Develop and communicate design ideas
  • Select from and use specialist tools, techniques, processes, equipment and machinery precisely
  • Test, evaluate and refine their ideas and products
  • Use a range of techniques and media, including painting, printing and drawing
  • Develop creativity, curiosity, initiative, critical thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration
  • Analyse and evaluate own work to strengthen the visual impact or applications of their work
Outdoor Education
  • Take part in outdoor and adventurous activities which present intellectual and physical challenges and be encouraged to work in a team, building on trust and developing skills to solve problems, either individually or as a group.
  • Understanding and apply a range of key concepts to team and individual sports
  • Participating in physical activity and sports for sustained periods
  • Developing technical performance in a range of sports
  • Engage in competitive sports
  • Build self confidence
  • Develop a sense of identity and self-awareness
  • Develop an understanding of empathy, resilience and emotional intelligence
  • Develop healthy relationships and a sense of wellbeing
Personal Development
  • Develop an understanding of risk and the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions; including online safety
  • Develop an understanding of healthy relationships
  • Develop an understanding of physical health (including puberty) and mental wellbeing and the importance of making positive choices for themselves



“We are passionate about making a difference, removing challenges to learning, having a positive impact, delivering high quality teaching and learning, and achievement for all.”